Provides the ability to perform many traditional material handling processes more quickly and efficiently.

Has the ability to manage and improve the process of material picking, receiving and replenishment by Incorporating barcode and RFID scanners.
 Is a very powerful tool that is fully integrated into the Oracle EBS applications including Inventory, Purchasing & Order Management
List of process we are going to see in WMS,

1. Putaway process with rule
2. Pickslip process with rule
3. Cost Group Assignment rule
4. Cycle Count process with rule
5. Cartonization
6. Kitting
7. Cross Docking
8. Outside Processing
9. Labor Management
10. Internal Requisition and Internal Sales Order
Putaway Process 

In a warehouse, putaway refers to all the processes that happen between receiving goods from vendors and having them all put away into their assigned places. Having a putaway system simplifies the process of storing items, reduces the risk of misplacing or losing items, and keeps your warehouse clean and organized. Its sub classified into three types.

1. Putaway process - PO Receipt...more
2. Putaway process -ASN Receipt....more
3. Putaway process -LCM Receipt...more

Pickslip Process:

In a warehouse, pickslip refers to all the process that happen between picking goods from warehouse and having them all staged into their staging sub inventory. Having a picking system simplifies the process of picking the items from the warehouse...more

Cost Group Assignment

Cost groups capture the material valuation accounts necessary for tracking inventory value. For instance, you can set up different accounts for refurbished, consigned, and company-owned inventory. You can also keep different cost groups for different sales channels. When you receive new material into the warehouse the owning cost group must be determined. 

Material handlers should not make Cost group decisions. The rules engine automates this decision making, removes complexity from the floor and still provides material valuation accounts tracking. Cost group assignment can be made by inspection results, with a failed item assigned to a Hold for MRB cost group. Cost groups can also be assigned by supplier site, item category, or by item. The system uses default cost group of the items storage subinventory when it cannot find a rule for the transaction...more

Cycle Count Process:

A cycle count is a Inventory auditing procedure, which falls under inventory management, where a small subset of inventory, in a specific location, is counted on a specified day.Cycle Counting  is a process of periodic counting of individual item / all the items  throughout the course of the year to ensure the accuracy of inventory quantities and values.We can do the cycle counting at Organization / Sub Inventory Level...more


Cartonization is the process that suggests a container to pack items based on constraints such as cubic volume of items and container volume. Customers have the ability to choose and create robust rules that automatically determine the best container during the pick release process...more

Warehouse kitting is the process of taking multiple SKUs and combining them in a package to create one new SKU. Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) is a unique code that you use to identify each inventory item in a warehouse....more

PO Return:

Return process enable you to return goods/materials to suppliers and ship them back to the supplier location..more

Sales Return:

Sales Returns is a process where in a customer sends the material back to the supplier, generally when the material is found to be defective...more

Cross Docking:

Cross-docking is a practice in logistics of unloading materials from an incoming semi-trailer truck or railroad car and loading these materials directly into outbound trucks,trailers,or rail cars,with little or no storage in between..more

Outside Processing:

Outside Processing (OSP) is a subcontracting process where certain operations in a process routing are performed by the subcontractor. This process can be leveraged by manufacturers who do not always have the capabilities or equipment to perform all the steps in their manufacturing process to produce their products....more

Labor Management:

The labor used in a warehouse accounts for a significant portion of warehouse
operating expenses. Warehouse managers constantly try to optimize the amount of staff they employ and ensure employees are productive. If warehouse managers have too many employees and not enough work, then they have to pay employees to wait for work. If too much work exists and not enough employees are available, then customer orders are not shipped on time, or warehouse accuracy suffers. Labor Management enables warehouse managers to track the amount of time each user takes to complete a set of tasks.

After Labor Management records the information, it analyzes it for resource planning and employee evaluation. Because the system knows the amount of time and expected work that is required to complete each task, it can predict how much time or staff is necessary to complete the work in the warehouse. Labor Management can also assist you in employee evaluation. It compares the time performance of each employee against colleagues or engineered standards for labor productivity, and rates each employee on performance level. The performance rating
enables the warehouse manager to make decisions about staffing, compensation,
training, and work assignment....more

Internal Requisition and Internal Sales Order:

Internal Sales Order (ISO) is used to transfer the item from one organization to another organization. Destination organization will raise the requisition and source organization will ship the material...more

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