BOM (Bills of Material) WIP ( Work in Process )
1. WIP Parameter
2. WIP Accounting Classes
1. Resources
2. Department
3. Operations
4. Routing
5. Bills of Material
Navigation: Bills of Material : Routings : Resources
Create the OSP resources in Resources Window.
Create the Generic resources in Resources Window.Define the resource cost in Rates tab and attach the employee in employee tab.
Navigation: Bills of Material : Routings : Departments
Create various department based on the business scenarios.
Create Production department.
Create the OSP Department
Navigation: Bills of Material : Routings: Standard Operations
Create the operations and attach the department and resources who performs the operations.
Navigation: Bills of Material : Routings:Routings
Create the routing for the finished goods and attach the operations in sequence
Bills of Material
Navigation: Bills of Material :Bills:Bills
Create the BOM for the FG. Mention the list of components to be consumed against each operation. Map the operation and corresponding components to be consumed in order to perform that operation.
Ensure that Include in Cost Rollup flag is enabled for all items, if you want all your raw material cost is added to FG.
Material Consumption can be controlled in various ways. Select the appropriate one which suits your business.
WIP Supply Types:
Assembly Pull
- Components issued to job when completing assemblies
- Pulled from the supply sub inventory assigned to the component
- If a Non-Standard Job, you have an assembly referenced for that job.
- Components issued to job when completing back flush operations
- Pulled from the supply sub inventory assigned to the component
- Cannot assign to an assembly without a routing
- Issued manually to jobs as required
- Can specify the subinventory from which to issue push components
- Use 'WIP component issue' from material transaction form to issue the material
- Assigned to BOM component subassemblies and items in Oracle BOM
- Components of Phantom subassemblies used as if tied directly to the parent assembly
- Do not appear on WIP jobs, as subassemblies they lose their identity and become a collection of their components on the WIP job
- When rolling up assembly costs, normally only the material cost under the phantom is rolled up to the parent, not the phantom routing costs. NOTE: Two switches can be set that impacts leadtime and cost rollups
- Can be viewed and displayed on reports
- Shows Shop Floor requirement but not transacted/backflushed
- Often used for inexpensive items that are expensed at receipt
- Can manually issue specific bulk components to a discrete job if desired.
WIP Parameter- Supplier component requirements can be included on bills of material. Requirements for supplier components are created when you define discrete jobs and repetitive schedules in Work in Process.
- Supplier component requirements can be viewed and are displayed on reports. They provide information on the component materials that your suppliers provide but need not be transacted.
- Supplier components are not back flushed nor do they default when issuing all components for an assembly. You can, however, manually issue specific supplier components to discrete jobs and repetitive schedules.
Navigation: Work in Process : Setup : Parameters
Define the WIP Parameters
WIP Accounting Classes
Navigation: Work in Process : Setup : WIP Accounting Classes
Define the WIP accounting classes
Job Order Creation
Navigation : Work in Process : Discrete : Discrete Jobs
Create the Job Order. Click on Job field and tab job order number will be created.
Enter the Assembly( Finished Good) and quantities to be produced. Enter the Start Date.
Click on Tools : Change Status : Release the Job Order
Save the job order and status will be changed
Move Transactions
Perform the entire process in Mobile Application
Navigation: Manufacturing: Assy & Material Txn :Move Assy
Enter the Job Order and move the sequence and steps and save.
The items linked with the operations will be displayed,reconfirm the information to issue the raw material stock from the inventory.
The items linked with the operations will be displayed,reconfirm the information to issue the raw material stock from the inventory.
The items linked with the operations will be displayed,reconfirm the information to issue the raw material stock from the inventory.
The items linked with the operations will be displayed,reconfirm the information to issue the raw material stock from the inventory.
Once all the raw material confirmation is done click on save.
Do the move operation from 10 to 20 and save . We have defined 20 as OSP operation.
Navigate to Purchasing Responsibility and run the concurrent "Requisition Import" to create the purchase requisition
Query in Requisition summary to find the requisition.
Note the PR and create the PO with the help of auto create functionality.
Purchase order created to perform the OSP Operation
Approve the purchase order
PO Receipt
Navigation: Inbound : PO
Enter the PO number and rest of the information's will get default. Select the JO and enter the qty to be receipted. Click done.
Transaction Success
Move Transactions:
Once the OSP PO Receipt activity is completed perform the move operation from 20 to 30.
Perform the move transactions
Click on save. Transaction Completed.
Job Order Completion
Navigation: Complete Assy : Complete
Enter the JO and enter the job completion quantity.
To Check the WIP Valuation Summary
Navigation:Work in Process : Discrete : WIP Value Summary
Enter the JO
Click on Value Summary
Click on Distribution to check the accounts
Close Job Order
Navigation : Work in Process : Discrete : Close Discrete Jobs (Form)
Click OK
Request Submitted
Job Closed
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