Monday, 6 May 2024

Labor Management


1. Warehouse Parameter
2. Labor Management Setup
Warehouse Parameter

Navigation: Warehouse Management : Setup : Warehouse Configuration : Warehouses : Warehouse Parameters

Enable the inventory organization as WMS Enabled organization.
 Enable the inventory organization as Labor Management Enabled organization.
Labor Management System

Navigation: Labor Management System : Setup

Click on the Setup and perform the setup creation
 Enter an organization for which to define parameters, and click Go.
1.Enter the moving average view. The available values are 30 days, 6 months, and all. The moving average view period controls the period the system considers when it calculates the average actual time for a particular labor standard. This average time is listed on the Labor Standard view window so that you can determine whether the labor standard is appropriate.

2. Enter the time units. The available values are seconds, minutes, and hours. This controls how you view time within the Labor Management standards and reports.Setup is always performed in seconds.

3. Enter the future period for consideration in hours, days, or months. The future period for consideration controls the work the system considers work outstanding.The system includes tasks scheduled within the time window that you set in this parameter in the work outstanding listing, and factors those tasks into the resource requirements analysis reports.

4. Enter the number of working hours per day. This is the number of hours in each day the operators in your organization work. Enter the employee utilization rate %. The utilization rate % is the percentage of time you that expect your operators to perform tasks during the day. If you enter 85% as the utilization rate, then you expect the employee to perform tasks 6.8 hours of an 8-hour day. This is due to breaks, pauses in the work schedule, and other administrative duties.

5. Enter the number of resources for each activity in your warehouse. This tells the system how many employee resources are available for each type of warehouse activity.

 6. Enter the percentage of expected and score for the travel, transaction, and idle times. Transaction time is the time the user takes to scan the appropriate fields and physically perform the work. It is measured from when the user first receives the task on the mobile device screen to when the user presses on the transaction page. 

7. Travel time is the amount of time the user takes to travel from one location to another during a transaction.

8. Idle time is the time in between tasks when the user is not performing work within the system. For system dispatched tasks, it is measured from the time when the user completes one task to the time when the first scan or entry is made on the second task. For manual tasks, the system uses a travel time threshold to differentiate between travel time and idle time.
9. Some users within the warehouse may be ineligible for tracking through the Labor Management system. This may include supervisors or other special classes of employees. You can add these users to the system as non-tracked users. This ensures that Labor Management does not include their performance information in productivity reports or resource planning reports.
10.Select a task execution mode from the drop-down list. The available choices are:

• Manual and User-Directed: Tasks the user initiates and completes to a location he or she specifies. These include all receipts, putaway load tasks, and manual drop tasks.
• Manual and System-Directed: Tasks the user initiates and completes to a location he or she specifies. These include most drop tasks (except for manual drop) and user-initiated pick load tasks (pick by label or manual pick)
• Individual and System-Directed Tasks: Tasks the system dispatches individually and completed to a location that the system chooses. These include most pick load tasks, counting tasks, and replenishment load tasks.
• Grouped and System-Directed Tasks: Tasks that are dispatched as part of an execution group of tasks by the system and completed to a location that the system chooses. These labor standards only include travel time and are used to compare task grouping methodologies.

Concurrent :

Expected Resource Requirement Analysis

The Expected Resource Requirement Analysis concurrent request calculates the outstanding work for the warehouse.The system then compares that work against the existing Labor Management standards and estimates for resources, time, or both that are required to complete all outstanding work.

Labor Productivity

The Labor Productivity Analysis concurrent request compares actual transactions to existing Labor Management standards. The system calculates productivity scores and ratings for each employee and the warehouse as a whole.
Labor Summary and Calculation

Work Outstanding

The Work Outstanding table shows a listing of all the outstanding work in the warehouse, broken down by functional activity. It breaks down the number of tasks left to complete, and provides you with details about the task. It lists the following activities and task types.
• Inbound: Displays information about putaway and receiving tasks. For receiving tasks, it displays the number of purchase orders, RMAs, internal requisitions, and internal shipments.
• Manufacturing: Displays information about putaway and picking tasks.
• Outbound: Displays information about picking and staging move tasks.
• Warehousing: Displays information

Available Resource- Resource we define in Labor Management Setup. We have defined as 4 Resources for Inbound

Available Time - 4 Resources work 8 hours a day effectively. Convert Hours to Seconds

Total = 4*8*60*60 =115200

Time Required  = Total No of Tasks Inbound (Put away+Receiving) * Time Per Task (Travel+Transaction+Idle ) which we define in workbench.

Total =(117+3+106+10+1) * (200+900+100) = 284400

Additional Time Required  = Time Required - Available Time

Total = 284400- 115200 = 169200

Time Overload Factor  (%) = Additional Time Required / Available Time * 100

Total = 169200/ 115200 *100

Available Resource- Resource we define in Labor Management Setup. We have defined as 4 Resources for Inbound

Additional Resources Required  - Additional Time Required  / 1 Resource Working Hours in Seconds

Total = 169200 / 8 *60*60  =5.875

Resources Required  -Additional Resources Required + Available Resources

Total = 5.875+4 = 9.875

Resources Overload Factor % =Additional Resources Required/Available Resources *100

Total = 5.875/4 * 100 = 146.875

Run the concurrent : Labor Productivity Analysis to get the below output
Run the concurrent : Expected Resource Requirement Analysis to get the below output

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