i- Procurement

 1.Responsibility Creation

2. Profile Options
3.Shopping Category Creation
4.Category Hierarchy
    i. Top Category (Browsing Category) - Create Top-Level Category
    ii. Child Category (Browsing Category) - Create Child
   iii . Shopping Category (Item Category) - Insert Existing Child
5.Purchasing Category Creation
6.Category Mapping
7. Item Creation and Purchasing Category Assignment
8.  Content Zone Creation
9.  Information Template Creation
10. Smart Form Creation
11. Create Stores
12. i-Procurement Transactions

1. Responsibility Creation

A responsibility determines whether the user accesses Oracle E-Business Suite or Oracle Mobile Applications; which applications functions a user can use; which reports and concurrent programs the user can run; and which data those reports and concurrent programs can access...more

2. Profile Options

As System Administrator, you can use the Define Profile Values window to set profile options for your user community. If you change a user profile option value, your change takes effect as soon as your users log on again or changes responsibilities...more

3. Shopping Category Creation

Use shopping category mapping to map Oracle iProcurement catalog categories to categories defined in Oracle Purchasing. This.ensures that the items you upload will not error out. Oracle Purchasing and shopping categories can both be derived by the mapping when maintaining catalog content...more

4. Category Hierarchy

The category hierarchy presents a hierarchical view of the catalog to requesters. Use the category hierarchy to view and create hierarchies of categories and to create browsing categories...more

5 .Purchasing Category Creation

If the profile POR: Autocreate Shopping Category and Mapping is set to Yes, then for any new Oracle Purchasing category, a shopping category and the corresponding mapping are automatically created. If the profile is No, then no shopping category and mapping are created. You can create them manually...more

6.Category Mapping

Use shopping category mapping to map Oracle iProcurement catalog categories to categories defined in Oracle Purchasing. This.ensures that the items you upload will not error out. Oracle Purchasing and shopping categories can both be derived by the mapping when maintaining catalog content....more

7. Item Creation and Purchasing Category Assignment

You can define items in the Master Item window using the following methods:

Attribute Groups tab: Select individual attributes, and use the Tool menu to apply templates and assign organizations.
Item Folder tab: Create an item, apply a default template, and assign the item to an organization all in one window...more

8.  Content Zone Creation

Oracle iProcurement offers four types of content zones that you can set up. You can create more than one of each type of content zone. Consists of items, categories, and descriptors defined in Oracle Purchasing and Oracle Inventory. Consists of items that the supplier maintains...more

9.  Information Template Creation

You can set up information templates to gather additional information in Oracle iProcurement to pass necessary order processing information to suppliers. When an information template is assigned to a category or item, the application prompts requesters to provide the information specified in the template when the item is added to the shopping cart. This information becomes a line-level attachment to the requisition...more

10. Smart Form Creation

Requesters can procure an item or service that is not found in the catalog. For these cases, they can use a non-catalog request. The non-catalog request offers the ability to add an item or service to the shopping cart based on a description of the item or service. Through the use of smart forms, companies can conveniently control both the list of fields and whether a particular field is enterable or pre-defined. For example, purchasing organizations can lock-down the purchasing category for certain requests and thereby more accurately categorize spend. Similarly, purchasing administrators can ensure spend is exclusively directed to preferred suppliers, and default contract numbers achieve touchless buying....more

11. Create Stores

A store enables you to group content zones and smart forms into a single, searchable store. The store should be easy for requesters to understand - for example, a store containing all computer supplies or all office supplies...more

12. i-Procurement Transactions

We can perform purchase requisition transaction and Internal Requisition transactions.

Purchase Requisition:

requisition will be created and material will be supplied by supplier...


1. Item with and without List Price...more
2. Item with Blanket Purchase Agreement and without List Price...more
3. Item with List Price and Blanket Purchase Agreement...more

Internal Requisition:

requisition will be created and material will be supplier by Inventory Organization...

1. IR and ISO Setups and Transactions...more

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