1. System profile option: PO:Requisition Type : "Both"
2. System profile option: POR: Allow Manual Selection of Source : "Yes"
2. System profile option: POR: Allow Manual Selection of Source : "Yes"
3. Item Master – OM Tab – Internal order to be enabled
4. Item Master – Purchasing Tab - List Price
4. Item Master – Purchasing Tab - List Price
5. Destination organization to be defined as a customer in the source organization
6. Inventory Location
a. Navigation : Inventory : Setup : Location (Attached in the Inventory Organisation)
b. Shipping Details Tab: Ship to location is mandatory
7. Shipping Network: Navigation : Inventory : Setup : Organisation: Shipping network
a. In Main Tab – From Org and To Org to be defined
b. Transfer Type – Direct/ In Transit
c. Internal Order required check box to be enabled
8. Create Sales Order Transaction Type for ISO separately.
9. Switch Responsibility to Purchase:
9. Switch Responsibility to Purchase:
a. Navigation: Setup : Organisation :Purchasing Options
b. Internal Requisition order type can be attached ,Internal order source internal
10. Raise Internal Requisition from the destination organization purchase responsibility
11. Run concurrent “Create Internal Orders” in destination organization
12. Change organization and run concurrent “ Order Import” with parameter source – Internal Order.
13. Go Sales Order organizer and Query the SO
14. Book the SO, Do launch pick release, ship confirm and auto invoice
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15. Purchase Receipt Transaction
16. Accounting and Costing
1.Profile Option Setup
Navigation : System Administrator : Profile : System
Navigation : System Administrator : Profile : System
3. Item Master – OM Tab – Internal order to be enabled
Enable the item as Internal Ordered and Internal Order Enabled Item.
Navigation : Inventory : Items : Master Items
4. Item Master – Purchasing Tab - List Price
Provide the per unit price of the item in List Price Tab
Navigation: Inventory: Items : Master Items
5. Customer Creation
Destination organization to be defined as a customer in the source organization.
Navigation: Order Management : Customers : Standard
Click on Ship To Details and associate the Inventory Organization with the customer. Attaching warehouse is Optional.
6. Inventory Location
Associate the Inventory Organization with the respective Location.
Navigation : Inventory : Setup : Organizations : Location
7. Shipping NetworkDefine the shipping network . Internal Order Check Mark to be Enabled which is the mandatory setup.
Navigation : Inventory : Setup : Organisation: Shipping network
8. Transaction Type
Create Sales Order Transaction Type for ISO separately.
Navigation: Order Management : Setup : Transaction Types : Define
9. Purchasing Option
This is optional Setup . Internal Requisition order type can be attached ,Internal order source internal
10. Internal Requisition [ Purchasing Responsibility ]
Raise IR from the destination organization purchase responsibility
Navigation : Purchasing : Requisitions
11. Concurrent Request - Create Internal OrdersRun concurrent “Create Internal Orders” in destination organization
12. Concurrent Request - Order Import
Change organization and run concurrent “ Order Import” with parameter source – Internal Order
Click OK
13. Sales OrderGo Sales Order organizer and Query the SO
Navigation: Order Management : Orders,Returns : Order Organizer
Open the sales order
14.Sales order Transaction Flow
Book the Sales Order
Book the Sales Order
Navigation: Order Management : Orders,Returns : Sales Orders
Release the Sales OrderNavigation : Order Management : Shipping : Release Sales Orders
Navigate to Pending Transactions to get the Pick ID.
Picking Using Mobile Application
Enter the Pick ID
Reconfirm the subinventory and locator detailsClick "Load"
Navigation: Tasks : Manual Task : Go to Directed Move : Drop Loaded LPNS
Enter the LPN and click on Drop.
Reconfirm the sub inventory and locator.
Navigation : Outbound: Shipping: Quick Ship
Enter the delivery number and click "Done"
Check the status in shipping transaction form.
15. Purchase Order Receipt Transactions
Mobile Application IR Receipt
Navigation: Inbound : Receive : Int Req
Enter the Internal Requisition number and generate LPN
Click on done
Navigation : Inbound:Inspect
Perform the inspection process
Navigation : Tasks : Directed Tasks : Inbound : Move any LPN
Enter the LPN and click on Drop
Material is delivered and this completes the process.
16.Accounting and Costing
16.1 Receiving Transaction
Follow the navigation to find the receive accounting entry
Navigation: Cost Management: View Transactions: Receiving Transactions
No Accounting Entry
Follow the navigation to find the deliver accounting entry
RECEIPT- Receiving Org
Accounting Entry if FOB is Set to Receiving
Issue Transaction - Shipping Inventory Organization
Transaction Type | Account | Dr (AED) | Cr (AED) |
Shipping | In Transit Inventory | 1000 | |
Inventory Material Valuation | 1000 |
Receipt Transaction -Receiving Inventory Organization
Transaction Type | Account | Dr (AED) | Cr (AED) |
Receive | NA | NA | NA |
Deliver | Inventory Material Valuation | 1000 | |
Deliver | Intercompany Receivables | 1000 | |
Deliver | In Transit Inventory | 1000 | |
Deliver | InterCompany Payables | 1000 |
16.3 Item Cost
Choose the cost management responsibility to find the cost history.
Navigation: Cost Management: Item Costs : Item Cost History
Average Cost Update Calculation
Average Cost = (Transaction value + current inventory value) / (Transaction quantity + current on-hand quantity)
Average Cost = (1000+ 1000) / (100+1000)
Unit Cost = 2000/ 1100
Unit Cost = 1.81818 for Each Quantity
16.4 Oracle Standard Accounting Entries Document For Reference
Using Intransit Inventory
You can move material from the shipping organization to intransit inventory using the Transfer Subinventories window. You can use the Receipts window to move material from intransit invenotry to the receiving organization.
Issue Transaction
Depending upon the Freight On Board (FOB) point defined in the inventory organization relationship, the shipment to intransit inventory creates the following accounting entries:FOB Point is set to Receiving:
Account | Organization | Debit | Credit |
Intransit inventory account | Sending | XX | |
Subinventory accounts | Sending | XX |
FOB Point is set to Shipment:
Account | Organization | Debit | Credit |
Inter-Organization Receivable | Sending | XX | |
Subinventory accounts | Sending | XX | |
Intransit Inventory account | Receiving | XX | |
Inter-Organization Payable | Receiving | XX |
Receipt Transaction
Depending upon the FOB point defined in the organization relationship, the receipt from intransit inventory creates the following accounting entries:
FOB Point is set to Receiving:
Account | Organization | Debit | Credit |
Inter-Organization Receivable | Sending | XX | |
Intransit Inventory account | Sending | XX | |
Subinventory accounts | Receiving | XX | |
Inter-Organization Payable | Receiving | XX |
FOB Point is set to Shipment:
Account | Organization | Debit | Credit |
Subinventory accounts | Receiving | XX | |
Intransit Inventory account | Receiving | XX |
In addition to accounting for the movement of the material, these transactions also update the inter-organization receivable and payable accounts. These inter-organization clearing accounts represent inter-organization receivables and payables for the respective shipping and receiving organizations.
Direct Inter-Organization Transfer
When your organization relationship is set to directly transfer material, Inventory performs both the issue and the receipt transaction at the time of the issue. Any difference between the cost of items in the two organizations is recognized as variance in the receiving organization. The accounting entries created are as follows:Account | Organization | Debit | Credit |
Inter-Organization Receivable | Sending | XX | |
Subinventory accounts | Sending | XX | |
Subinventory accounts | Receiving | XX | |
Inter-Organization Payable | Receiving | XX |
Use the Transfer Subinventories window for direct transfers.
Material Overhead and Inter-Organization Transfers
If your item has material overhead(s), you earn material overhead on inter-organization transfers. The subinventory entry is increased for the material overhead with a credit to the material overhead absorption account(s) in the receiving organization.Account | Debit | Credit |
Subinventory accounts | XX | |
Material Overhead Absorption account | XX |
Attention: The subinventory account is combined with the above entry. The material overhead absorption transaction adds one additional account to the entry.The FOB Point changes the accounting for freight. With FOB receiving, freight is accrued on the receipt transaction by the sending organization. With FOB shipment, freight is accrued on the shipment transaction by the receiving organization. For direct transfers, the receipt and shipment transaction occur at the same time.
When the FOB Point is set to Receiving, the transfer creates the following freight and transfer charge entries at time of receipt:
Account | Organization | Debit | Credit |
Inter-Organization Receivable | Sending | XX | |
Freight Expense account | Sending | XX | |
Inter-Organization Receivable | Sending | XX | |
Inter-Org. Transfer Credit | Sending | XX | |
Org. Material account | Receiving | XX | |
Inter-Organization Payable | Receiving | XX |
For the receiving organization, the inter-organization payable account is increased for freight and transfer charges. These charges are included in the comparison to the standard cost.
When the FOB Point is set to Shipment, the transfer creates the following freight and transfer charge entries at shipment:
Account | Organization | Debit | Credit |
Inter-Organization Receivable | Sending | XX | |
Inter-Org. Transfer Credit | Sending | XX | |
Intransit Inventory account | Receiving | XX | |
Freight Expense account | Receiving | XX | |
Inter-Organization Payable | Receiving | XX |
Intransit inventory includes both freight and transfer charges. The inter-organization payable is only increased for transfer charges.
Expense Subinventories and Expense Items
When you receive an inter-organization transfer into an expense subinventory or receive an expense inventory item, you have expensed the material and cannot directly issue it. The system assumes the material cost is consumed at the expense location.
Using the direct or intransit method, you can receive material to an expense subinventory or receive an expense inventory item. When you receive to expense locations or receive expense inventory items, the subinventory expense account is debited for the receiving organization, instead of the valuation accounts. The subinventory expense account is charged the total transaction value from the other organization.
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