Sunday, 5 May 2024

Serial Control

 Serial number is a alphanumeric / numeric piece of information assigned to an individual item.

Why Serial control required?

 Usages : Basically to track the item for Warranty purpose . That is if an item is purchased from one location & found to be defective then it can be serviced anywhere across the globe just by entering the serial number in the system.

Example: Its used to track electronics products warranty like mobile phones, laptops.

Serial Control Setup @Organization Level

Serial Control Generation Options  at organization level have these options available: 

1. At organization level

2. At Item Level

3. User Defined

At Organization level 

The information provided in the organization parameter will be taken during material transaction for issue or receiptSerial Control Uniqueness- Explanation

Across organizations: Enforce unique serial numbers throughout all organizations.

Within Inventory model and Items : Enforce unique serial numbers within in a Item master organization.

Within organization: Enforce unique serial numbers within the current organization.

Within inventory items: Enforce unique serial numbers for inventory items

Serial Control Setup @ Item Level 

Serial Number Generation at Item Level  have these options available: 

1. No control 

2. At Receipt

3. At Sales Order Issue

4. Predefined

No Control :  Do not enter serial number data when you transact your Item. System will not ask serial or lot number during transaction.

At Receipt: You must enter serial number information whenever you use the item in a material transaction. Create and assign serial numbers when you receive the item into inventory. You do not have to generate your serial numbers ahead of time; you can enter them dynamically at transaction time

Predefined: You must enter serial number data whenever you use the item in a material transaction in Oracle Inventory. Use the Generate Serial Numbers window to generate serial numbers for the item. You can assign predefined serial numbers to receive the item into inventory

At Sales Order Issue: Create and assign serial numbers when you issue the item against a sales order. You do not have to generate your serial numbers ahead of time; you can enter them at transaction time.

The information provided in the  Item level parameter will be used during the material transaction for issue or receipt Transaction Process Flow

Generate serial number before performing transaction if generation is setup as predefined.

Miscellaneous Receipt :

As i have kept at organization level when you do miscellaneous transaction or po receipt it will take serial number prefix and start number from organization parameter.Click lot / Serial control .

 You can choose the existing serial number which you generated. Or you can create number of your own.
You choose from the generated serial numbers or you can enter serial number manually as below

Start Serial Number

End Serial Number




We can choose all or only some predefined numbers to be assigned for items



Serial numbers are digit sensitive



We can overwrite the max value



Serial numbers are break sensitive



Increment won’t happen for characters



Increment won’t happen for number followed by characters. This will be treated as characters



Increment will happen for characters followed by numbers. This will be treated as number

Miscellaneous Issue  :

During issue we cant create our own serial number we can able to select from the list only.
Click lot / Serial control 
 You can choose the existing serial number which you generated. Or you can create number of your own.

User Defined 

User can enter define any serial numbers as they wish during transactions

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